
A video CV

A video CV is a brief summary of a job applicant's professional experience, qualifications and interests, submitted to a prospective employer in video format. The advantage of a video CV is that it allows candidates to demonstrate their public speaking, inter-personal, creative or technical skills to a potential employer in a way that a written CV can't. Have a look at this video CV  SOURCES:  https://www.theguardian.com/careers/careers-blog/how-to-make-video-cv 

Europass CV

Europass are five documents to make your skills and qualifications clearly and easily understood in Europe. One of them is the Europass CV. Visit the website https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/documents/curriculum-vitae , fill the document in with your own information and dowload it as a PDF file: Source: https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/documents/curriculum-vitae

Writing your CV

What is a CV? A CV (curriculum vitae) or résumé in the USA is a summary of your education, skills and What to include in a CV Contact details - Include your full name, home address, mobile number and email address. . Profile - It is a concise statement that highlights your key attributes or reasons why you would like to work in a particular field. I should be no longer than 100 words. Education - List and date all previous education, including professional qualifications, placing the most recent first. Work experience - List your experience in reverse chronological order, making sure that anything you mention is relevant to the job you're applying for. Skills and achievements - Talk about the foreign languages you speak and the IT packages you can competently use. Interests - Include hobbies that may be relevant to the job. References - You don't need to provide the names of references at this stage. You also don't need to say 'reference...

Actividad - Publica y tuitea una entrada en tu blog

Actividad - Publica y tuitea una entrada en tu blog La formación continua y actualización de los docentes es fundamental, pues impartir clases de una materia requiere el dominio de unos conocimientos y unas estrategias.   Además, nos enfrentamos a cambios constantes y es necesario adaptarnos a ellos.  Actualmente los docentes debemos estar formados en idiomas, TICs, nuevas metodologías de enseñanza, inteligencia emocional y muchos otros aspectos. Para ello, tenemos a nuestra disposición enseñanza gratuita a través de los cursos organizados por el CEFIRE . Sin embargo, esta oferta es totalmente insuficiente y muchos de nosotros nos quedamos sin la oportunidad de participar en ellos o no encontramos variedad de cursos relacionados con nuestra especialidad. Personalmente, con el curso que estoy realizando actualmente espero aprender algunos aspectos de las TIC que me ayuden a complementar mi formación en este campo y que resulten útiles en mis clases de inglés. ...